Breaking News at the Mahopac Central School District

The Mahopac Central School District hosted its inaugural Safety Symposium on Jan. 27 to strengthen the community's efforts in ensuring a safe and secure environment for students and staff. Held in the Mahopac High School auditorium, the presentation was open to parents and staff and featured numerous community leaders who discussed various topics about safety and security initiatives within the district and broader region.

Mahopac Superintendent of Schools Christine Tona expressed her gratitude to the community leaders who participated in the event.

“Safety is the top priority here at the Mahopac Central School District,” Tona said. “Over the past two years we have made many enhancements to our buildings to improve the safety for our students and staff. I thank each and every one of our community partners who support our schools to make them as safe and secure as possible.”

Organized by Mahopac’s Administrator for Safety, Security, and Compliance Troy Bilyeu, the symposium included an impressive lineup of speakers. Bilyeu underscored the critical role of fostering strong relationships with emergency responders and community organizations. 

“Building partnerships with emergency responders and local groups is essential for the safety and well-being of our students and staff,” Bilyeu said. “By collaborating, we’ve formed a support network that reaches beyond the school, offering valuable resources, expertise and a unified approach to tackling safety challenges.”

Throughout the evening, discussions focused on ongoing efforts to enhance security measures within the district, safety protocols with the broader community, and emerging safety challenges. Local first responders also joined the conversation to offer insight into regional collaborations and how these partnerships are essential to a comprehensive safety plan. The Safety Symposium underscored the district’s commitment to fostering a safe and supportive environment for all students and marked the beginning of an ongoing dialogue and collaborative effort to ensure the highest standards of safety within the Mahopac Central School District.

For more information and to watch a full video of the presentation, visit

Chief Anthony HoffmanCommissioner Sara ServadioSheriff Kevin McConville