Austin Road Hour of Code

Mahopac elementary school students from across the district engaged in interactive coding activities during the annual worldwide Hour of Code, an event that is a highlight of Computer Science Education Week from Dec. 9-15.

The initiative is aimed at encouraging students from all grade levels to learn about computer science through introductory coding activities. Through hands-on projects and games, the students explored coding concepts, including loops, conditionals and algorithms, building problem-solving skills along the way and demystifying code.

During a lesson, STEAM teachers introduced kindergartners to basic robotics principles, such as sequential programming. The students explored how line-sensing robots change movement and speed based on the different colors and shapes of lines they drew. During another Hour of Code activity, third and fourth graders worked on Music Lab, a fun coding experience that teaches students how to combine creativity and technology to make their own song.

“Our students learned how to make music with code by using blocks to create their own music and problem-solve, determining how to make their music sound just right,” Lakeview STEAM teacher Jenn Borst said. “They explored how loops can make beats repeat, how functions organize sections of their song and how events can start new sounds with the press of a button.”

Fulmar Road STEAM teacher Mimi Murphy emphasized the Hour of Code is not only an opportunity for students to develop technical skills, but also to spark curiosity about the world of technology.

“It fosters teamwork and collaboration, encouraging students to think critically as they work together to complete coding challenges,” Murphy said.

Austin Road STEAM teacher Trish Huestis explained why students eagerly anticipate this time of year.

“Coding and robotics are always an exciting time in our STEAM curriculum, and we can see our students’ growth from year to year,” Huestis said. “By scaffolding the lessons each year students continue to increase their skills. Coding is a very important part of learning how to solve problems.”

Hour of CodeHour of CodeHour of Code