High School German Students Earn Top Honors

Mahopac High School students Gloria Nelson, Danica Parent and Matthew Torrey have earned top honors in the National German Exam by scoring above the ninetieth percentile (90th-99th). As a result, Nelson and Torrey will advance in the competition for a scholarship to participate in a study trip to Germany this summer. Parent, who won the study trip two years ago, is ineligible for the 2025 competition. The prestigious annual exam and scholarship competition is co-sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of German and the German government.

“We wish the best of luck to our gold medal winners, Gloria and Matthew, as they move on to the next round of the competition,” German teacher Katrina Bauerlein said. “I’m incredibly proud of all of our students’ continued effort and achievement.”

In addition to the gold medal winners, several students received awards for their performance on the National German Exam. Silver medal winners include Cira Graap, Cooper Grimm, Chloe Lex, Dan Maxwell, Mia Ryan and Brayden Torrey. Bronze medal winners include Cami Donaghy, Megan McGourty, Aoife Sexton and Jayden Torres. Achievement awards were earned by Lia Dimase, Johnny Feaver, Kaitlin Grow, Lynsie Haase, Melania Hracs, Oscar Hrncir, Katherine Kennedy, Jacob Kenny, Lucas Lambertson, Saoirse McGregor, Gabriella Olivieri, Mai Reitzen and Madi Yurko.