MS New Mascot 'Koda'

In a lively and inspiring assembly, Mahopac Middle School introduced its new mascot, Koda, a young wolf who is still learning the ropes of school life. The event, held to introduce the school’s new Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework, brought students together in a celebration of school spirit and community.

As students entered the gymnasium, they were greeted by middle school cheerleaders and handed pompoms to cheer each other on. With upbeat music playing in the background, everyone was encouraged to get involved in the excitement, fostering a sense of unity and positivity.

In a fun and creative video produced by middle school technology specialist Jay Zides, Koda made his debut to the assembly, albeit with a humorous twist. The wolf was shown wearing sunglasses and Crocs inside the school, breaking rules and not quite following expectations. In the video, Principal Tom Cozzocrea offered Koda some guidance, explaining the new PBIS framework, HOWLS, and the school’s expectations for students.

HOWLS represents the core values that middle school students are encouraged to embrace every day:

  • H: Honor Respect – Treat yourself, others and the environment with dignity and care.

  • O: Own Your Actions – Take responsibility for your choices.

  • W: Work Together – Collaboration and teamwork are essential to a thriving school community.

  • L: Lead By Example – Be a positive leader both inside and outside the classroom.

  • S: Show Kindness – Kindness is the foundation of a supportive school environment, where we treat others with compassion and respect.

“These core beliefs are the foundation of HOWLS,” Principal Cozzocrea said. “As we adopt this new system, we encourage every student to live these values daily. By doing so, we can build a school environment where everyone can thrive.”

The excitement peaked when Koda made a surprise entrance, bounding into the gymnasium, running to high-five students, and embodying the spirit of the new PBIS initiative. The mascot’s arrival symbolized the school’s call for all students to contribute positively to their school community.

Assistant Principal Regina Cucinotta expressed gratitude toward everyone who contributed to the success of the assembly and the rollout of the new PBIS framework.

“We are grateful for the support of our students, administrators and staff,” Cucinotta said. “A special thank-you to the middle school cheerleaders, the talented staff band made up of Jay Zides, Mike Teglasi and Joseph Seeley, and the entire CARES Committee who dedicated their time and expertise to make this event a memorable one. The energy and spirit from the students and staff were truly inspiring!”

New Mascot with Regina CucinottaMS Mascot AssemblyMS Staff Band